
Illustreret Videnskab Historie

There is no doubt that the Inuit (or Eskimo) people constitute an exceptional model of adaptation to the most extreme climatic conditions. The igloo is one of the key pieces of their survival and their triumph over the Arctic ice. The Illustreret Videnskab Historie magazine, published in Denmark (where Greenland, home to a large Inuit community, is a government agency), chose the infographic of Infographics90 to illustrate the theme of the Inuit's ice dwellings in Rundt om... (About...), a fixed graphic section of this historical publication. In addition to the igloos, the graphic depicts other media typical of the Inuit community, such as kayaking and dog sledding. The peripheral pieces are contributions from the editorial staff of Illustretet Videnskab Historie.
Page(s): 38-39

Publication date: 

Infographic used by the client
