Opet Festival


Originally entitled Religious Holidays in Antiquity, the infographic served to illustrate El festival Opet de Tebes (The Opet de Tebas Festival) in a comprehensive report entitled Ser sacerdot a l'antic Egipte (Being a Priest in Ancient Egypt), published in Sàpiens. The Opet festival was celebrated in the city of Thebes, during the annual flood of the Nile. The central ceremony of the festival consisted of a religious procession in which the figures of the god Amun and his family were transported in ritual boats from the sanctuary of Karnak to sanctuary of Luxor. It was a State ceremony, in which participated the pharaoh and his family, the high dignitaries and the court, the priests, the military and the people. The festival of Opet consecrated and commemorated the divinity of the sovereign, as the son of Ammon. The oldest records of the celebration date back to the co-regency of Queen Hatshepsut and Tutmosis III, in the 18th dynasty. The Catalan magazine Sàpiens, which is published every month, is dedicated to historical divulgation.
Page(s): 38-39

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Infographic used by the client
