Roman Aqueduct

DeA Scuola

The infographic of the Roman aqueduct was part of the pages that volume ITACA 2: Viaggio nella Geostoria: Dall'Impero romano all'Alto Medioevo (Journey through Geohistory: From the Roman Empire to the High Middle Ages) dedicated to Roman civilization. ITACA volumes are an innovation in the shared use of the classic book on paper, adding the advantages provided by new information technologies. Volume ITACA 2 was the continuation of volume ITACA 1: Viaggio nella Geostoria: Dalla Preistoria all'Impero romano. DeA Scuola completed the image dedicated to the Roman engineering work, with the characteristics of the Trajan aqueduct, which is the longest of the eleven that in the 2nd century supplied water to the capital of the empire; DeA Scuola also included other elements unrelated to the original infographic.
Page(s): 48-49

Publication date: 

Infographic used by the client
