

Amphibians are vertebrates that lead a double life. When they are young, they live in water, and when they are adults, they do it out of it. However, they should always be in humid areas or very close to water, to avoid dehydration. This is because they also breathe through the skin. Amphibians are divided into three groups: newts and salamanders, which have tails and legs and belong to the group of urodels; frogs and toads, which only have tails in their tadpole stage and belong to the group of anurans; and cecilids, which do not have legs or tails and look like worms and belong to the group of apodals. This infographic from the Ábaco collection belongs to the Amphibians and Fish series, which also includes those originally titled: Metamorphosis, Fish Anatomy, Bony Fish and Cartilaginous.

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